Unique, robust yet flexible family asset protection

Most people in later life have two overriding objectives: to leave the best possible legacy for their family and ensure they have enough money to meet their own life needs – all the while ensuring any Inheritance Tax (IHT) obligations are fulfilled, of course.
The use of the Acrobat Trust by WAY Trustees Limited is the most robust yet flexible family asset protection facility on the market, having been designed specifically with family wealth preservation in mind. It will safeguard you and your family from unnecessary IHT in the future.
Acrobat Trust can help to protect your wealth and pass it on, making sure the people who matter to you benefit. This is where inter-generational wealth planning meets estate planning, ensuring that your family’s collective wealth works harder for the benefit of all, while still fulfilling the intentions of the settlor. It can preserve your family wealth into the far-reaching future of your descendants, thereby securing your legacy.
WAY Trustees have compiled and produced a Letter of Wishes Compendium for Acrobat Trust clients that demonstrates clearly and plainly what a Letter of Wishes is, why it’s an important document and how it may be drafted to reflect any circumstance you wish to include to safeguard your legacy.
The use of the Letter of Wishes Compendium is available exclusively to clients of WAY Trustees Limited.

What Others Say:
Mills and Reeves LLP:
“In our opinion the files audited show that WAY Trustees provide a service of very high quality, with attention to detail and a commitment to adhering to the principles and standards required of a professional trustee. The audit showed that WAY Trustees are committed to providing an efficient and effective service to their clients, including ensuring compliance requirements are met and that individual client circumstances are taken into account when making trustee decisions.”