You have the WILL. You have the POWER. We provide the TRUST.

Estate planning should be about helping families retain their accumulated wealth, ensuring it passes to the right people, at the right time, in the most tax effective manner possible.

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Learn More about WAY Trustees | The Home of Acrobat Trust

The use of the Acrobat Trust from WAY Trustees Limited is the most robust yet flexible family asset protection facility on the market, having been designed specifically with family wealth preservation in mind.

Your Acrobat Trust will be managed by WAY Trustees Limited, one of the leading professional trustee service’s in the UK.

Exclusively focused on creating trusts and managing family wealth for people wishing to protect their assets from potential family-dynamic changes, WAY Trustees will ensure safeguarding actions are in place to protect you and your family from unnecessary Inheritance Tax (IHT) in the future.

Potential family-dynamic changes can be anything that would have a negative effect on your legacy wealth such as ill health or long term care, divorce, family discord, bankruptcy and anywhere in between.

WAY Trustees will act on behalf of and in the interests of you and your wishes, before and after your demise. Part of the long established WAY Group, WAY Trustees are a highly professional company solely working to manage trusts for people who have appointed them. To that end,  they employ a team of skilled and conscientious trust staff who work tirelessly on behalf of their settlors – you – and the trust beneficiaries.

An Acrobat Trust from WAY Trustees will protect your wishes and help ensure the security of inter-generational wealth. We will preserve your family wealth into the far reaching future of your descendants, therefore securing your legacy.

WAY Trustees | About

In the past it was enough for a trustee to simply be a trustworthy individual. However, the role and responsibilities of a trustee have become much more complex. Since the Trustee Act 2000 became law, the advent of increased regulation and litigation means the duties of a trustee have taken on a whole new dimension.

WAY Trustees:

  • are fully conversant with and understand the terms of the trust;
  • regularly review the needs of the beneficiaries;
  • are sympathetic to the needs of the settlor (you) whilst not compromising their responsibilities to the beneficial class (your beneficiaries);
  • ensure beneficiaries are treated fairly at all times;
  • act impartially and do not allow personal opinions and prejudices to influence actions;
  • ensure investments held by the trust are suitable and expose the trust to an appropriate amount of risk;
  • periodically review the investments, taking advice from qualified professional advisers to ensure they continue to be suitable;
  • consider tax implications for the trust, the settlor and beneficiaries;
  • register the trust with HMRC and provide ongoing administrative support in relation to The Trustee Act 2000 which is the legislation that all trustees must adhere to.

WAY Trustees of course wants to reassure both existing and future Settlors that it is operating in accordance with all of the above requirements.

Just as importantly, WAY Trustees has a sensitive and conscientious approach to delivering its efforts on behalf of the trusts it manages. Nobody knows what the future holds for them or their families and so it is necessary for trustees to respond appropriately to events as they happen and to do their best to look after the interests of all beneficiaries.

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