We’re hitting the road and heading to the 2022 PA360 conference!


We are looking forward to returning to the Professional Advisor PA360 conference at The Brewery London on Wednesday 27th April as a Supplier Partner. PA360 is the UK’s largest management conference for financial advisers and, during this one-day event, we’ll put you and your business at the heart of this conference. It’s the well regarded annual multi-stream management conference event that offers the opportunity to meet fellow delegates and sponsors and get actively involved!

Where to find us at PA360 Conference

You’ll find us in the Supplier Hub on hand to discuss how Acrobat Trust is one of the most important tax planning strategies you don’t know about yet! It’s the most robust yet infinitely flexible trust solution designed specifically to take care of families all the while reducing liability for inheritance within the UK.

Who should attend the 2022 PA360 Conference?

If you are an Independent Financial Adviser, a Financial Adviser, an Investment Adviser, a Head of Insurance, a Head of Investment, a Head of Mortgage, a Business Resource Manager, a Compliance Manager, a Head of Operations a Head of IT, a Head of Financial Planning, a Paraplanner or a Financial Planner, this year’s PA360 conference is the ideal opportunity to enjoy a day engaging in meaningful conversations and make connections with your peers from across London and beyond.

What’s happening?

We’re especially interested in a presentation by Tony Wickenden, Managing Director of Technical Connection in conjunction with HSBC Life: The power of the (Onshore) Bond – Tax & Estate Planning. Here, Tony will be looking at why delivering Tax Alpha is more important than ever and why the Onshore Bond is a too often forgotten source of Alpha. We will explore where this ‘Power’ comes from and how we gear it up through the three key pillars of financial planning: Wealth Accumulation (Investment), Wealth Decumulation (Income) and Wealth Preservation (Inheritance).

  • Trust in the ‘Power of the Bond’ – Review trust and bond combinations
  • Treating the Trustee Registration Service as an opportunity rather than a challenge
  • After attending this session, delegates will be able to:
  • Understand (in summary) the latest developments in taxation that have a direct or indirect impact on financial planning strategy.
  • Confirm the effective elements of the Onshore Investment Bond wrapper and they can be applied where a Bond is used for wealth accumulation, wealth decumulation and wealth transfer.
  • Understand the uses of the basic Trusts that are commonly used with Onshore Investment Bonds.
  • Know the broad obligations that trustees have in connection with the Trustee Registration Service.

Anything else?

We’re also looking forward to hearing from Tim Orton, Managing Director of Investment Solutions as he presents “Financial wellbeing – connecting values and investments”.
Aegon’s Financial Wellbeing research helps advisers understand how they can help clients have a more positive relationship with money. Our survey of over 10,000 UK citizens found that investing responsibly can result in a greater sense of both happiness and purpose when saving. But the findings also reveal that few connect their savings with their values…

Most people want to contribute to a more sustainable world, but only 9% think of their savings as a way of acting more sustainably. The intent is there, with environmental concerns driving the conversation, but there is a sizeable mismatch between values, savings intent and real-life investment choices.

Helping clients think about whether their savings reflect their beliefs could improve engagement, enhance their financial wellbeing, and support the transition to a lower carbon world.

In this session, Aegon will reveal their latest Financial Wellbeing research, shedding some light on how clients feel about their savings and the role responsible investing could play in supporting their values, and exploring solutions and opportunities.

  • Understand the sizeable gap between sustainable investing intent and actual investment choices.
  • Identify how narrowing that gap could improve investor engagement by supporting improved financial wellbeing.
  • Consider the roles of education, communication and investment choice in helping investors connect their savings and beliefs.

And finally…

This year’s PA360 Conference Closing Keynote is Lord Seb Coe! 
Lord Coe will be sharing insights from his stellar career both as an athlete and Sport’s Administrator. Having successfully won and delivered London 2012 Coe’s current challenge is President of World Athletics.

To get ahead of the game, visit Acrobat Trust and have your questions lined up so we can chat on the day!

And don’t forget to register for tickets to attend PA360 conference here.